Girls Rock v.2.1

We can’t believe how much of 2017 has passed us by. Could be because we’ve been keeping our heads down, feet pedaling hard to keep the wheels turning on this little big group of women we call Girls Rock.

It’s been many months since we first mentioned “non-profit organization” and we’re so glad we can finally say this, loud and proud: We’re well on our way to becoming an official, legal, 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Our EIN is in place and we should have the official OK from the Feds by September!

As a non-profit entity, we can apply for grants and hold fundraisers. With the additional financial support, we will take our mission of inspiring women to participate and gain skills in mountain biking further.

In the coming months, you’ll be hearing from us on the various programs and activities. Some of the upcoming activities will be focused on fundraising to help support the overall GR mission. We hope you’re as excited as we are and that you’ll show us your support then!

Amazing as all that sounds, there’s this one thing that’s really pushed our stoke through the roof: Our Board.

In the last few months, Alexis and Juliann have pulled together ten more incredibly passionate women who have volunteered their time, talent and professional experience to the Girls Rock Board. Their backgrounds are varied, yet their purpose is singular: To serve (and protect) the Girls Rock tribe better than ever!

Thanks for supporting us with your presence and good vibes; we’re going to keep working on multiplying that back to you. These are truly exciting times for Girls Rock, and we’re so glad that you’re coming along for the ride!

Grace Chua is an escapee of Advertising, saved by mountain biking. She now pays it forward through volunteering with Girls Rock. Follow her love for bikes, cats, food and travel here
